After an afternoon of work on the farm (my job was to peel the outermost soiled layer of the bulbs of garlic harvest and make it 'market-ready', Oskar's was to master the Gabe's scooter) we had a grand feast consisting predominantly of farm fare and, after some wine and a few stories, slept cozily while it poured with rain (remember that super wet september?)
The next day it was off to The Fall Fair to meet with my cousin Jules and her little guy Liam. Oskar and Liam were in their glory climbing on all the tractors (both new and vintage) and eating fresh fruit smoothies and lamburgers. What a fair! It had everything from exotic breeds of chickens and combs of honeybees to live music and, of course, great local food. Those folks know how to throw a fair and the rest know how to get out and support it: it was packed.
It was such a gorgeous weekend. One all about great food and sharing and connecting; things I was definitely craving. One I will not forget soon, and one I hope to relive. The hospitality was superb. The harvest filled our bellies and nourished us to our core. This foodie left both impressed and deeply grateful.
I highly recommend a weekend trip to this great island sometime soon. I'm sure there are many a 'preserves' waiting for you, even though harvest time is officially over now. Those islander's know how to live!
Saltspring Island: Thank you. We'll be back.
nice post! great blog! sounds like the trip was a lot of fun.