When to introduce foods (and supplements) to your baby
There is no clear-cut guideline for knowing what and when to first feed your child. There are always exceptions to every rule and everyone has somewhat different needs so our first recommendation is, instead of reading every bit of advice you can get your hands on, remember to use your heart and your intuition to decide what is best suited for your child. Sometimes the most effective way to parent is being the observer, rather than the teacher.
Having said that, we've put together some simplified guidelines (as well all need to start somewhere) comprised of various resources as well as some personal experience:
First Foods Guidelines
•There is no rush to introduce solid foods, breast milk is the best food for babies (arguably even until a year of age, but certainly 6 months.) If you are not breastfeeding see below for healthy alternatives (many formulas are inadequate for proper digestion and often even highly allergenic).
•When milk is introduced organic, raw goat milk is best (if available). Or organic, non-homogenized watered-down goat yogourt (easier to access). Avoid using any cow milk until at least 1 year of age as its ratio of fats/protein/carbs is much different than breast milk composition and may not be tolerated.
*Avalon now has an organic non-homogenised cow milk available.
**Probiotics and Essential Fatty Acids need to be added if using any pasteurized milk as a primary food source (including Avalon).
•Introduce a variety of foods, one at a time, wait 4-5 days before introducing next new food to note any potential reactions.
•Avoid solids until 6 months, start with homemade pear and/or apple sauce (*see yummy recipe attached to blog*), or perhaps mashed avocado, or squash but not processed rice cereal.
•Avoid jarred baby foods, homemade is easy and healthier.
•No honey, strawberries, egg whites, grains or other potential allergens until 12 months.
•If any immediate family has specific food allergies, avoid those foods until after 2 years.
•If baby has had colic, eczema or other digestive issues consider delaying solids until at least 9 mos (especially grain creeals and meat).
•No pasteurized milk, nuts or nut butters until 18-24mos
•If baby rejects a food, try again in a few days or weeks, their tastes and needs will change faster than you'd think.
•Cook with virgin coconut oil or organic butter or ghee (devoid of milk solids and best for med-high heat), or cold-pressed vegetable oil (these are recommended for low to medium heat only.
6-9 months
(Avoid carrots, spinach, beets, turnips or collards until after 9 months, they are too rich in nitrates for baby)
•Organic bananas
•Organic, free-range egg yolks
•Stewed Fruit (apple, pear, prunes)
•Cooked and pureed veggies (limit orange veggies)
•Pureed Soups (using an organic bone stock base is a great way to deeply nourish and strengthen their immune systems)
•Coconut and hemp oils and butters, olive oil
*Simple garden herbs and spices (ie: thyme, parsley, fennel/dill seeds, basil are ok but not necessary as their taste buds are very heightened and will notice more flavour in food than we will. Simple ingredients are perfectly adequate.
9-12 months
•Organic, non-homogenised, full fat yogurt (cow or goat but goat is more likely to be tolerated)
•Organic Butter (the yellower the better!)
•Organic or free-range non-medicated poultry and red meat
*zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, kale, tomatoes, spinach, beets, turnips, carrots, collard greens
•Blueberries, papaya, mango, peaches, nectarines
12+ months
•Oats, wheat/spelt/kamut, rice and other wholegrains
•Spinach, strawberries
•Whole organic or free-range, non-medicated eggs
•Cheese (raw is best, try goat first)
•Raw (unprocessed) honey, melons, corn, oranges
+Nuts/Seeds such as almonds, pecans, cashews and pumpkin seeds (raw and pre-soaked only)
24+ months
*Potential allergenic foods that run in the family
*sugar or other 'foods to avoid', on special occasions only (over restricting can lead to food bingeing and addictive tendencies later in life.
In summary, choose an Organic, Whole Food, Seasonal Diet including…
•Seasonal fruits, vegetables
•Homemade soups, stews
•Whole grains
•Beans/legumes, nuts/seeds (*be sure to buy all raw and pre-soak before eating - see soaking spreadsheet for more info)
•Fish oil, butter, avocado, unrefined, cold-pressed vegetable oils in moderation
•Organic or free-range, non-medicated meats and eggs
Foods to AVOID:
•Corn syrup, sugar in just about any form (except the few truly un-refined ones)
*Fruit juices (ALL, except fresh- pressed)
•Anything hydrogenated modified (partially or otherwise), fried foods.
•Processed grains, white flour, included puffed, flaked, or other shaped grains/cereals.
•Dairy products, most soy products (unless sprouted or fermented and only in moderation)
•Artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colours
•Reduced fat foods
*Refined/iodized salt (choose unrefined salt only, after at least 12 mos. )
What about supplements?
We do not believe that breastfed babies need Vitamin D supplements or iron-fortified foods as long as the nursing mother has a healthy, iron rich diet and the baby is exposed to at least 5 minutes of sun per day. After 10 months add flaxseed oil (1 tsp per day) or cod liver oil (1/4 tsp per day). After 12 months you may want to add beneficial bacteria to your child’s diet.
Last, but certainly not least, it's helpful to know that a baby's digestive system is far less mature than ours so even though they may be ready to begin some solid foods, such as certain simple fruits and veggies they may still be a long way off from being ready for grains or meat (which employ a more sophisticated and longer digestive process.
A baby’s system is designed for maximum absorption of breast milk. From the mouth to the colon, their system is designed to digest and absorb the nutrients found in breast milk alone. They do not produce sufficient enzymes to digest a wide variety of foods and their stomachs produce minimum amounts of gastric acid to ensure the survival of the live immune cells and beneficial bacteria found in breast milk. Another vital consideration is that their small intestines are relatively permeable and absorb foods with much less discretion than that of an adult.
This enhanced absorption can and will allow undigested proteins from food to pass into the bloodstream and this is where allergies can be triggered. When an undigested protein enters the bloodstream the body recognizes the substance as a foreign invader (or antigen) and produces an immune response to fight it. This immune response is what we know as an allergic response. The allergy can be permanent or the baby may outgrow it at a later date. Either way it is a stress that you and your baby would probably rather avoid.
Rye Crepes
1 day ago