Tuesday, January 4, 2011

All Hail the Yummy Green Smoothie

Happy 2011 WeeMunch readers!
Wishing you and yours a happy, prosperous and healthful year (full of healthy wee-foods :)

Yummy Green Smoothie (yes, it IS possible)

I have to admit I’m generally pretty skeptical towards supplement products that claim to provide essential nutrients; those often missing from our modern diets of refined/processed foods. And I think my skepticism is warranted as many are anything but nourishing. There are, however, a handful of holistic companies out there trying to make good products with (not ‘from’) real, whole foods. One of them is Vega and I recently found myself purchasing their product ‘Whole Food Smoothie Infusion’. I was feeling the need for some additional clean, green, easy-to-assimilate protein and I happened to sample it recently and found it quite palatable. I also liked the ingredient label.

Its flavour is sweet. Too sweet for my liking (they all are), so I use half of what they recommend. This smoothie enables us to get in an extra serving each of a seasonal, organic fruit and veggie - always a good thing, especially if you have a fussie foodie. Both of which are cleansing to our blood and digestive system as well as being simultaneously building and deeply nourishing.

Here’s the simple recipe Oskar and I have been enjoying lately:

1 scoop Vega Smoothie Infusion (instead of the 2 recommended scoops) * adjust to your liking
2 organic apples of choice
2-3 leaves of organic kale (any variety)
Approx. ¼ cup Ryza brown rice milk (it’s one of the best quality rice milk brands out there)
Approx. ¼ cup Organic Coconut milk *adjust to desired texture
a few ounces of Pineapple –optional

*You need a good blender/food processor to really grind down the fibrous kale; the smoother the better.

See another of our past smoothie posts for additional ideas.

Note: We do not have any special interest in any food producing companies. We just want to give a nod to the good ones.


  1. Looks like a great way to get some greens in! I appreciate your product suggestions - they're always good ones. I just picked up a sachet of Vega and tried Ryza for the first time. Loved them both! We've also been enjoying the rice milk in our oatmeal. I love this blog - your posts always inspire new ways of encouraging my little one to enjoy whole foods.

  2. Dear Olivia,

    We love the blog you write about your son, too. What a great way to share his life with your friends and family. Thank you for your kind comments about WeeMunch. Keep reading.


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